Source code for openpiv.smoothn

from numpy import *
from pylab import *
import scipy.optimize.lbfgsb as lbfgsb
import numpy.linalg
from scipy.fftpack import dct, idct
import numpy as np
import as ma

[docs]def smoothn( y, nS0=10, axis=None, smoothOrder=2.0, sd=None, verbose=False, s0=None, z0=None, isrobust=False, W=None, s=None, MaxIter=100, TolZ=1e-3, weightstr="bisquare", ): """ function [z,s,exitflag,Wtot] = smoothn(varargin) SMOOTHN Robust spline smoothing for 1-D to N-D data. SMOOTHN provides a fast, automatized and robust discretized smoothing spline for data of any dimension. Z = SMOOTHN(Y) automatically smoothes the uniformly-sampled array Y. Y can be any N-D noisy array (time series, images, 3D data,...). Non finite data (NaN or Inf) are treated as missing values. Z = SMOOTHN(Y,S) smoothes the array Y using the smoothing parameter S. S must be a real positive scalar. The larger S is, the smoother the output will be. If the smoothing parameter S is omitted (see previous option) or empty (i.e. S = []), it is automatically determined using the generalized cross-validation (GCV) method. Z = SMOOTHN(Y,W) or Z = SMOOTHN(Y,W,S) specifies a weighting array W of real positive values, that must have the same size as Y. Note that a nil weight corresponds to a missing value. Robust smoothing ---------------- Z = SMOOTHN(...,'robust') carries out a robust smoothing that minimizes the influence of outlying data. [Z,S] = SMOOTHN(...) also returns the calculated value for S so that you can fine-tune the smoothing subsequently if needed. An iteration process is used in the presence of weighted and/or missing values. Z = SMOOTHN(...,OPTION_NAME,OPTION_VALUE) smoothes with the termination parameters specified by OPTION_NAME and OPTION_VALUE. They can contain the following criteria: ----------------- TolZ: Termination tolerance on Z (default = 1e-3) TolZ must be in ]0,1[ MaxIter: Maximum number of iterations allowed (default = 100) Initial: Initial value for the iterative process (default = original data) ----------------- Syntax: [Z,...] = SMOOTHN(...,'MaxIter',500,'TolZ',1e-4,'Initial',Z0); [Z,S,EXITFLAG] = SMOOTHN(...) returns a boolean value EXITFLAG that describes the exit condition of SMOOTHN: 1 SMOOTHN converged. 0 Maximum number of iterations was reached. Class Support ------------- Input array can be numeric or logical. The returned array is of class double. Notes ----- The N-D (inverse) discrete cosine transform functions <a href="matlab:web('')" >DCTN</a> and <a href="matlab:web('')" >IDCTN</a> are required. To be made ---------- Estimate the confidence bands (see Wahba 1983, Nychka 1988). Reference --------- Garcia D, Robust smoothing of gridded data in one and higher dimensions with missing values. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2010. <a href="matlab:web('')">PDF download</a> Examples: -------- # 1-D example x = linspace(0,100,2**8); y = cos(x/10)+(x/50)**2 + randn(size(x))/10; y[[70, 75, 80]] = [5.5, 5, 6]; z = smoothn(y); # Regular smoothing zr = smoothn(y,'robust'); # Robust smoothing subplot(121), plot(x,y,'r.',x,z,'k','LineWidth',2) axis square, title('Regular smoothing') subplot(122), plot(x,y,'r.',x,zr,'k','LineWidth',2) axis square, title('Robust smoothing') # 2-D example xp = 0:.02:1; [x,y] = meshgrid(xp); f = exp(x+y) + sin((x-2*y)*3); fn = f + randn(size(f))*0.5; fs = smoothn(fn); subplot(121), surf(xp,xp,fn), zlim([0 8]), axis square subplot(122), surf(xp,xp,fs), zlim([0 8]), axis square # 2-D example with missing data n = 256; y0 = peaks(n); y = y0 + rand(size(y0))*2; I = randperm(n^2); y(I(1:n^2*0.5)) = NaN; # lose 1/2 of data y(40:90,140:190) = NaN; # create a hole z = smoothn(y); # smooth data subplot(2,2,1:2), imagesc(y), axis equal off title('Noisy corrupt data') subplot(223), imagesc(z), axis equal off title('Recovered data ...') subplot(224), imagesc(y0), axis equal off title('... compared with original data') # 3-D example [x,y,z] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2); xslice = [-0.8,1]; yslice = 2; zslice = [-2,0]; vn = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2-z.^2) + randn(size(x))*0.06; subplot(121), slice(x,y,z,vn,xslice,yslice,zslice,'cubic') title('Noisy data') v = smoothn(vn); subplot(122), slice(x,y,z,v,xslice,yslice,zslice,'cubic') title('Smoothed data') # Cardioid t = linspace(0,2*pi,1000); x = 2*cos(t).*(1-cos(t)) + randn(size(t))*0.1; y = 2*sin(t).*(1-cos(t)) + randn(size(t))*0.1; z = smoothn(complex(x,y)); plot(x,y,'r.',real(z),imag(z),'k','linewidth',2) axis equal tight # Cellular vortical flow [x,y] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1,24)); Vx = cos(2*pi*x+pi/2).*cos(2*pi*y); Vy = sin(2*pi*x+pi/2).*sin(2*pi*y); Vx = Vx + sqrt(0.05)*randn(24,24); # adding Gaussian noise Vy = Vy + sqrt(0.05)*randn(24,24); # adding Gaussian noise I = randperm(numel(Vx)); Vx(I(1:30)) = (rand(30,1)-0.5)*5; # adding outliers Vy(I(1:30)) = (rand(30,1)-0.5)*5; # adding outliers Vx(I(31:60)) = NaN; # missing values Vy(I(31:60)) = NaN; # missing values Vs = smoothn(complex(Vx,Vy),'robust'); # automatic smoothing subplot(121), quiver(x,y,Vx,Vy,2.5), axis square title('Noisy velocity field') subplot(122), quiver(x,y,real(Vs),imag(Vs)), axis square title('Smoothed velocity field') See also SMOOTH, SMOOTH3, DCTN, IDCTN. -- Damien Garcia -- 2009/03, revised 2010/11 Visit my <a href="matlab:web('')">website</a> for more details about SMOOTHN # Check input arguments error(nargchk(1,12,nargin)); z0=None,W=None,s=None,MaxIter=100,TolZ=1e-3 """ is_masked = False if type(y) == ma.core.MaskedArray: # masked array is_masked = True mask = y.mask y = np.array(y) y[mask] = 0.0 if W != None: W = np.array(W) W[mask] = 0.0 if sd != None: W = np.array(1.0 / sd ** 2) W[mask] = 0.0 sd = None y[mask] = np.nan if sd != None: sd_ = np.array(sd) mask = sd > 0.0 W = np.zeros_like(sd_) W[mask] = 1.0 / sd_[mask] ** 2 sd = None if W != None: W = W / W.max() sizy = y.shape # sort axis if axis == None: axis = tuple(np.arange(y.ndim)) noe = y.size # number of elements if noe < 2: z = y exitflag = 0 Wtot = 0 return z, s, exitflag, Wtot # --- # Smoothness parameter and weights # if s != None: # s = [] if W == None: W = ones(sizy) # if z0 == None: # z0 = y.copy() # --- # "Weighting function" criterion weightstr = weightstr.lower() # --- # Weights. Zero weights are assigned to not finite values (Inf or NaN), # (Inf/NaN values = missing data). IsFinite = np.array(isfinite(y)).astype(bool) nof = IsFinite.sum() # number of finite elements W = W * IsFinite if any(W < 0): error("smoothn:NegativeWeights", "Weights must all be >=0") else: # W = W/np.max(W) pass # --- # Weighted or missing data? isweighted = any(W != 1) # --- # Robust smoothing? # isrobust # --- # Automatic smoothing? isauto = not s # --- # DCTN and IDCTN are required try: from scipy.fftpack.realtransforms import dct, idct except: z = y exitflag = -1 Wtot = 0 return z, s, exitflag, Wtot ## Creation of the Lambda tensor # --- # Lambda contains the eingenvalues of the difference matrix used in this # penalized least squares process. axis = tuple(np.array(axis).flatten()) d = y.ndim Lambda = zeros(sizy) for i in axis: # create a 1 x d array (so e.g. [1,1] for a 2D case siz0 = ones((1, y.ndim),[0] siz0[i] = sizy[i] # cos(pi*(reshape(1:sizy(i),siz0)-1)/sizy(i))) # (arange(1,sizy[i]+1).reshape(siz0) - 1.)/sizy[i] Lambda = Lambda + ( cos(pi * (arange(1, sizy[i] + 1) - 1.0) / sizy[i]).reshape(siz0) ) # else: # Lambda = Lambda + siz0 Lambda = -2.0 * (len(axis) - Lambda) if not isauto: Gamma = 1.0 / (1 + (s * abs(Lambda)) ** smoothOrder) ## Upper and lower bound for the smoothness parameter # The average leverage (h) is by definition in [0 1]. Weak smoothing occurs # if h is close to 1, while over-smoothing appears when h is near 0. Upper # and lower bounds for h are given to avoid under- or over-smoothing. See # equation relating h to the smoothness parameter (Equation #12 in the # referenced CSDA paper). N = sum(array(sizy) != 1) # tensor rank of the y-array hMin = 1e-6 hMax = 0.99 # (h/n)**2 = (1 + a)/( 2 a) # a = 1/(2 (h/n)**2 -1) # where a = sqrt(1 + 16 s) # (a**2 -1)/16 try: sMinBnd = np.sqrt( (((1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * hMax ** (2.0 / N))) / 4.0 / hMax ** (2.0 / N)) ** 2 - 1) / 16.0 ) sMaxBnd = np.sqrt( (((1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * hMin ** (2.0 / N))) / 4.0 / hMin ** (2.0 / N)) ** 2 - 1) / 16.0 ) except: sMinBnd = None sMaxBnd = None ## Initialize before iterating # --- Wtot = W # --- Initial conditions for z if isweighted: # --- With weighted/missing data # An initial guess is provided to ensure faster convergence. For that # purpose, a nearest neighbor interpolation followed by a coarse # smoothing are performed. # --- if z0 != None: # an initial guess (z0) has been provided z = z0 else: z = y # InitialGuess(y,IsFinite); z[~IsFinite] = 0.0 else: z = zeros(sizy) # --- z0 = z y[~IsFinite] = 0 # arbitrary values for missing y-data # --- tol = 1.0 RobustIterativeProcess = True RobustStep = 1 nit = 0 # --- Error on p. Smoothness parameter s = 10^p errp = 0.1 # opt = optimset('TolX',errp); # --- Relaxation factor RF: to speedup convergence RF = 1 + 0.75 * isweighted # ?? ## Main iterative process # --- if isauto: try: xpost = array([(0.9 * log10(sMinBnd) + log10(sMaxBnd) * 0.1)]) except: array([100.0]) else: xpost = array([log10(s)]) while RobustIterativeProcess: # --- "amount" of weights (see the function GCVscore) aow = sum(Wtot) / noe # 0 < aow <= 1 # --- while tol > TolZ and nit < MaxIter: if verbose: print("tol", tol, "nit", nit) nit = nit + 1 DCTy = dctND(Wtot * (y - z) + z, f=dct) if isauto and not remainder(log2(nit), 1): # --- # The generalized cross-validation (GCV) method is used. # We seek the smoothing parameter s that minimizes the GCV # score i.e. s = Argmin(GCVscore). # Because this process is time-consuming, it is performed from # time to time (when nit is a power of 2) # --- # errp in here somewhere # xpost,f,d = lbfgsb.fmin_l_bfgs_b(gcv,xpost,fprime=None,factr=10.,\ # approx_grad=True,bounds=[(log10(sMinBnd),log10(sMaxBnd))],\ # args=(Lambda,aow,DCTy,IsFinite,Wtot,y,nof,noe)) # if we have no clue what value of s to use, better span the # possible range to get a reasonable starting point ... # only need to do it once though. nS0 is teh number of samples used if not s0: ss = np.arange(nS0) * (1.0 / (nS0 - 1.0)) * ( log10(sMaxBnd) - log10(sMinBnd) ) + log10(sMinBnd) g = np.zeros_like(ss) for i, p in enumerate(ss): g[i] = gcv( p, Lambda, aow, DCTy, IsFinite, Wtot, y, nof, noe, smoothOrder, ) # print 10**p,g[i] xpost = [ss[g == g.min()]] # print '===============' # print nit,tol,g.min(),xpost[0],s # print '===============' else: xpost = [s0] xpost, f, d = lbfgsb.fmin_l_bfgs_b( gcv, xpost, fprime=None, factr=10.0, approx_grad=True, bounds=[(log10(sMinBnd), log10(sMaxBnd))], args=(Lambda, aow, DCTy, IsFinite, Wtot, y, nof, noe, smoothOrder), ) s = 10 ** xpost[0] # update the value we use for the initial s estimate s0 = xpost[0] Gamma = 1.0 / (1 + (s * abs(Lambda)) ** smoothOrder) z = RF * dctND(Gamma * DCTy, f=idct) + (1 - RF) * z # if no weighted/missing data => tol=0 (no iteration) tol = isweighted * norm(z0 - z) / norm(z) z0 = z # re-initialization exitflag = nit < MaxIter if isrobust: # -- Robust Smoothing: iteratively re-weighted process # --- average leverage h = sqrt(1 + 16.0 * s) h = sqrt(1 + h) / sqrt(2) / h h = h ** N # --- take robust weights into account Wtot = W * RobustWeights(y - z, IsFinite, h, weightstr) # --- re-initialize for another iterative weighted process isweighted = True tol = 1 nit = 0 # --- RobustStep = RobustStep + 1 RobustIterativeProcess = RobustStep < 3 # 3 robust steps are enough. else: RobustIterativeProcess = False # stop the whole process ## Warning messages # --- if isauto: if abs(log10(s) - log10(sMinBnd)) < errp: warning( "MATLAB:smoothn:SLowerBound", [ "s = %.3f " % (s) + ": the lower bound for s " + "has been reached. Put s as an input variable if required." ], ) elif abs(log10(s) - log10(sMaxBnd)) < errp: warning( "MATLAB:smoothn:SUpperBound", [ "s = %.3f " % (s) + ": the upper bound for s " + "has been reached. Put s as an input variable if required." ], ) # warning('MATLAB:smoothn:MaxIter',\ # ['Maximum number of iterations (%d'%(MaxIter) + ') has '\ # + 'been exceeded. Increase MaxIter option or decrease TolZ value.']) if is_masked: z =, mask=mask) return z, s, exitflag, Wtot
[docs]def warning(s1, s2): print(s1) print(s2[0])
## GCV score # --- # function GCVscore = gcv(p)
[docs]def gcv(p, Lambda, aow, DCTy, IsFinite, Wtot, y, nof, noe, smoothOrder): # Search the smoothing parameter s that minimizes the GCV score # --- s = 10 ** p Gamma = 1.0 / (1 + (s * abs(Lambda)) ** smoothOrder) # --- RSS = Residual sum-of-squares if aow > 0.9: # aow = 1 means that all of the data are equally weighted # very much faster: does not require any inverse DCT RSS = norm(DCTy * (Gamma - 1.0)) ** 2 else: # take account of the weights to calculate RSS: yhat = dctND(Gamma * DCTy, f=idct) RSS = norm(sqrt(Wtot[IsFinite]) * (y[IsFinite] - yhat[IsFinite])) ** 2 # --- TrH = sum(Gamma) GCVscore = RSS / float(nof) / (1.0 - TrH / float(noe)) ** 2 return GCVscore
## Robust weights # function W = RobustWeights(r,I,h,wstr)
[docs]def RobustWeights(r, I, h, wstr): # weights for robust smoothing. MAD = median(abs(r[I] - median(r[I]))) # median absolute deviation u = abs(r / (1.4826 * MAD) / sqrt(1 - h)) # studentized residuals if wstr == "cauchy": c = 2.385 W = 1.0 / (1 + (u / c) ** 2) # Cauchy weights elif wstr == "talworth": c = 2.795 W = u < c # Talworth weights else: c = 4.685 W = (1 - (u / c) ** 2) ** 2.0 * ((u / c) < 1) # bisquare weights W[isnan(W)] = 0 return W
## Initial Guess with weighted/missing data # function z = InitialGuess(y,I)
[docs]def InitialGuess(y, I): # -- nearest neighbor interpolation (in case of missing values) if any(~I): try: from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt # if license('test','image_toolbox') # [z,L] = bwdist(I); L = distance_transform_edt(1 - I) z = y z[~I] = y[L[~I]] except: # If BWDIST does not exist, NaN values are all replaced with the # same scalar. The initial guess is not optimal and a warning # message thus appears. z = y z[~I] = mean(y[I]) else: z = y # coarse fast smoothing z = dctND(z, f=dct) k = array(z.shape) m = ceil(k / 10) + 1 d = [] for i in range(len(k)): d.append(arange(m[i], k[i])) d = np.array(d).astype(int) z[d] = 0.0 z = dctND(z, f=idct) return z
# -- coarse fast smoothing using one-tenth of the DCT coefficients # siz = z.shape; # z = dct(z,norm='ortho',type=2); # for k in np.arange(len(z.shape)): # z[ceil(siz[k]/10)+1:-1] = 0; # ss = tuple(roll(array(siz),1-k)) # z = z.reshape(ss) # z = np.roll(z.T,1) # z = idct(z,norm='ortho',type=2); # NB: filter is 2*I - (np.roll(I,-1) + np.roll(I,1))
[docs]def dctND(data, f=dct): nd = len(data.shape) if nd == 1: return f(data, norm="ortho", type=2) elif nd == 2: return f(f(data, norm="ortho", type=2).T, norm="ortho", type=2).T elif nd == 3: return f( f(f(data, norm="ortho", type=2, axis=0), norm="ortho", type=2, axis=1), norm="ortho", type=2, axis=2, )
[docs]def peaks(n): """ Mimic basic of matlab peaks fn """ xp = arange(n) [x, y] = meshgrid(xp, xp) z = np.zeros_like(x).astype(float) for i in range(n // 5): x0 = random() * n y0 = random() * n sdx = random() * n / 4.0 sdy = sdx c = random() * 2 - 1.0 f = exp( -(((x - x0) / sdx) ** 2) - ((y - y0) / sdy) ** 2 - (((x - x0) / sdx)) * ((y - y0) / sdy) * c ) # f /= f.sum() f *= random() z += f return z
[docs]def test1(): plt.figure(1) plt.clf() # 1-D example x = linspace(0, 100, 2 ** 8) y = cos(x / 10) + (x / 50) ** 2 + randn(size(x)) / 10 y[[70, 75, 80]] = [5.5, 5, 6] z = smoothn(y)[0] # Regular smoothing zr = smoothn(y, isrobust=True)[0] # Robust smoothing subplot(121) plot(x, y, "r.") plot(x, z, "k") title("Regular smoothing") subplot(122) plot(x, y, "r.") plot(x, zr, "k") title("Robust smoothing")
[docs]def test2(axis=None): # 2-D example plt.figure(2) plt.clf() xp = arange(0, 1, 0.02) [x, y] = meshgrid(xp, xp) f = exp(x + y) + sin((x - 2 * y) * 3) fn = f + (randn(f.size) * 0.5).reshape(f.shape) fs = smoothn(fn, axis=axis)[0] subplot(121) plt.imshow(fn, interpolation="Nearest") # axis square subplot(122) plt.imshow(fs, interpolation="Nearest")
# axis square
[docs]def test3(axis=None): # 2-D example with missing data plt.figure(3) plt.clf() n = 256 y0 = peaks(n) y = (y0 + random(shape(y0)) * 2 - 1.0).flatten() I = np.random.permutation(range(n ** 2)) y[I[1 : n ** 2 * 0.5]] = nan # lose 50% of data y = y.reshape(y0.shape) y[40:90, 140:190] = nan # create a hole yData = y.copy() z0, s, exitflag, Wtot = smoothn(yData, axis=axis) # smooth data yData = y.copy() z, s, exitflag, Wtot = smoothn(yData, isrobust=True, axis=axis) # smooth data y = yData vmin = np.min([np.min(z), np.min(z0), np.min(y), np.min(y0)]) vmax = np.max([np.max(z), np.max(z0), np.max(y), np.max(y0)]) subplot(221) plt.imshow(y, interpolation="Nearest", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) title("Noisy corrupt data") subplot(222) plt.imshow(z0, interpolation="Nearest", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) title("Recovered data #1") subplot(223) plt.imshow(z, interpolation="Nearest", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) title("Recovered data #2") subplot(224) plt.imshow(y0, interpolation="Nearest", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) title("... compared with original data")
[docs]def test4(i=10, step=0.2, axis=None): [x, y, z] = mgrid[-2:2:step, -2:2:step, -2:2:step] x = array(x) y = array(y) z = array(z) xslice = [-0.8, 1] yslice = 2 zslice = [-2, 0] v0 = x * exp(-(x ** 2) - y ** 2 - z ** 2) vn = v0 + randn(x.size).reshape(x.shape) * 0.06 v = smoothn(vn)[0] plt.figure(4) plt.clf() vmin = np.min([np.min(v[:, :, i]), np.min(v0[:, :, i]), np.min(vn[:, :, i])]) vmax = np.max([np.max(v[:, :, i]), np.max(v0[:, :, i]), np.max(vn[:, :, i])]) subplot(221) plt.imshow(v0[:, :, i], interpolation="Nearest", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) title("clean z=%d" % i) subplot(223) plt.imshow(vn[:, :, i], interpolation="Nearest", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) title("noisy") subplot(224) plt.imshow(v[:, :, i], interpolation="Nearest", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) title("cleaned")
[docs]def test5(): t = linspace(0, 2 * pi, 1000) x = 2 * cos(t) * (1 - cos(t)) + randn(size(t)) * 0.1 y = 2 * sin(t) * (1 - cos(t)) + randn(size(t)) * 0.1 zx = smoothn(x)[0] zy = smoothn(y)[0] plt.figure(5) plt.clf() plt.title("Cardioid") plot(x, y, "r.") plot(zx, zy, "k")
[docs]def test6(noise=0.05, nout=30): plt.figure(6) plt.clf() [x, y] = meshgrid(linspace(0, 1, 24), linspace(0, 1, 24)) Vx0 = cos(2 * pi * x + pi / 2) * cos(2 * pi * y) Vy0 = sin(2 * pi * x + pi / 2) * sin(2 * pi * y) Vx = Vx0 + noise * randn(24, 24) # adding Gaussian noise Vy = Vy0 + noise * randn(24, 24) # adding Gaussian noise I = np.random.permutation(range(Vx.size)) Vx = Vx.flatten() Vx[I[0:nout]] = (rand(nout, 1) - 0.5) * 5 # adding outliers Vx = Vx.reshape(Vy.shape) Vy = Vy.flatten() Vy[I[0:nout]] = (rand(nout, 1) - 0.5) * 5 # adding outliers Vy = Vy.reshape(Vx.shape) Vsx = smoothn(Vx, isrobust=True)[0] Vsy = smoothn(Vy, isrobust=True)[0] subplot(131) quiver(x, y, Vx, Vy, 2.5) title("Noisy") subplot(132) quiver(x, y, Vsx, Vsy) title("Recovered") subplot(133) quiver(x, y, Vx0, Vy0) title("Original")
[docs]def sparseSVD(D): import scipy.sparse try: import sparsesvd except: print("bummer ... better get sparsesvd") exit(0) Ds = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(D) a = sparsesvd.sparsesvd(Ds, Ds.shape[0]) return a
[docs]def sparseTest(n=1000): I = np.identity(n) # define a 'traditional' D1 matrix # which is a right-side difference # and which is *not* symmetric :-( D1 = np.matrix(I - np.roll(I, 1)) # so define a symemtric version D1a = D1.T - D1 U, s, Vh = scipy.linalg.svd(D1a) # now, get eigenvectors for D1a Ut, eigenvalues, Vt = sparseSVD(D1a) Ut = np.matrix(Ut) # then, an equivalent 2nd O term would be D2a = D1a ** 2 # show we can recover D1a D1a_est = Ut.T * np.diag(eigenvalues) * Ut # Now, because D2a (& the target D1a) are symmetric: D1a_est = Ut.T * np.diag(eigenvalues ** 0.5) * Ut D = 2 * I - (np.roll(I, -1) + np.roll(I, 1)) a = sparseSVD(-D) eigenvalues = np.matrix(a[1]) Ut = np.matrix(a[0]) Vt = np.matrix(a[2]) orig = Ut.T * np.diag(np.array(eigenvalues).flatten()) * Vt Feigenvalues = np.diag(np.array(np.c_[eigenvalues, 0]).flatten()) FUt = np.c_[Ut.T, np.zeros(Ut.shape[1])] # confirm: FUt * Feigenvalues * FUt.T ~= D # m is a 1st O difference matrix # with careful edge conditions # such that m.T * m = D2 # D2 being a 2nd O difference matrix m = np.matrix(np.identity(100) - np.roll(np.identity(100), 1)) m[-1, -1] = 0 m[0, 0] = 1 a = sparseSVD(m) eigenvalues = np.matrix(a[1]) Ut = np.matrix(a[0]) Vt = np.matrix(a[2]) orig = Ut.T * np.diag(np.array(eigenvalues).flatten()) * Vt
# Vt* Vt.T = I # Ut.T * Ut = I # ((Vt.T * (np.diag(np.array(eigenvalues).flatten())**2)) * Vt) # we see you get the same as m.T * m by squaring the eigenvalues # from StackOverflow #
[docs]def smooth(u, mask): r = u.filled(0.) # set all 'masked' points to 0. so they aren't used in the smoothing a = 4*r[1:-1,1:-1] + r[2:,1:-1] + r[:-2,1:-1] + r[1:-1,2:] + r[1:-1,:-2] b = 4*m[1:-1,1:-1] + m[2:,1:-1] + m[:-2,1:-1] + m[1:-1,2:] + m[1:-1,:-2] # a divisor that accounts for masked points b[b==0] = 1. # for avoiding divide by 0 error (region is masked so value doesn't matter) u[1:-1,1:-1] = a/b
[docs]def smooth_masked_array(u): """ Use smooth() on the masked array """ if not isinstance(u, raise ValueError("Expected masked array") m = u.mask # run the data through the smoothing filter a few times for i in range(10): smooth(u, m) return, mask=m) # put together the mask and the data