Source code for openpiv.phase_separation

"""A module for separating solid phase from liquid tracers using image processing techniques."""

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import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
from skimage.morphology import disk, erosion, dilation, opening
from skimage.measure import label

[docs]def opening_method(original_image, kernel_size, iterations=1, thresh_factor=1.1): """Extract separated images based on particle size. This method uses an *erosion* filter followed by a *dilation* (aka *opening*), to remove small particle traces, leaving only bigger particles in the image. The image of small particles is also generated by using the big particles image as a mask on the original image. A threshold process is used to intensify the edges of particles in the mask. Parameters ---------- original_image : np.ndarray Original two-phase input image kernel_size : int Erosion/dilation stencil width iterations : int Erosion iterations, default = 1 thresh_factor : float Used to mask big particles, default = 1.1 Mask condition is defined as : pixel value > thresh_factor * local average intensity Returns ------- big_particles_img : np.ndarray Extracted image of the phase with bigger particles (dispersed phase) small_particles_img : np.ndarray Extracted image of the phase with smaller particles (carrier phase) """ if kernel_size % 2 != 1: raise Exception("kernel_size must be an odd number") # Apply opening filter, resulting big particles image kernel = disk((kernel_size - 1) / 2) temp_image = original_image for _ in range(0, iterations): temp_image = erosion(temp_image, kernel) for _ in range(0, iterations): temp_image = dilation(temp_image, kernel) big_particles_img = temp_image # Find local average intensity averaging_kernel_size = 3 * kernel_size local_average = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(original_image, averaging_kernel_size) # Find big particles mask mask = np.where(big_particles_img >= thresh_factor * local_average, 0, 1) # Estimate local background intensity (used to replace big particles) ## Normalized convolution is used to approximate local background intensity from the original image. ## Plain blur would return a high background intensity near big particles, which is not desired. ## See ## Uniform filter is used for efficiency, due to the large kernel size. estimated_background_intensity = np.divide( scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter(mask * original_image, averaging_kernel_size), scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter(mask.astype(np.float64), averaging_kernel_size), where=scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter( mask.astype(np.float64), averaging_kernel_size ) != 0, out=np.zeros_like(original_image, dtype=np.float64), ).astype(np.uint8) # Generate small particles image small_particles_img = np.where( mask > 0, original_image, estimated_background_intensity ) return big_particles_img, small_particles_img
[docs]def median_filter_method(original_image, kernel_size): """Extract separated images using a median filter Proposed by Kiger & Pan. Original paper: Kiger, K. T., & Pan, C. (2000). PIV technique for the simultaneous measurement of dilute two-phase flows. *Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME,* 122(4), 811–818. Parameters ---------- original_image : np.ndarray Original two-phase input image kernel_size : int Filter stencil width (must be an odd number). Denoted by *Nf* in Kiger & Pan. Returns ------- big_particles_img : np.ndarray Extracted image of the phase with bigger particles (dispersed phase) small_particles_img: np.ndarray Extracted image of the phase with smaller particles (carrier phase) """ if kernel_size % 2 != 1: raise Exception("kernel_size must be an odd number.") big_particles_img = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(original_image, kernel_size) small_particles_img = np.where( original_image > big_particles_img, original_image - big_particles_img, 0 ) return big_particles_img, small_particles_img
[docs]def khalitov_longmire( original_image, big_particles_criteria, small_particles_criteria, blur_kernel_size=1, I_sat=230, opening_ksize=3, ): """Extract separated images using the method proposed by Khalitov & Longmire, 2002. For detailed information see: Khalitov, D., Longmire, E. Simultaneous two-phase PIV by two-parameter phase discrimination. *Experiments in Fluids* 32, 252–268 (2002). Parameters ---------- original_image : np.ndarray Original two-phase input image big_particles_criteria : { 'min_size' : int, ['max_size' : int,] ['min_brightness' : int,] ['max_brightness' : int] } A dictionary defining big particles criteria. 'min_size' is mandatory. small_particles_criteria : { ['min_size' : int,] 'max_size' : int, ['min_brightness' : int,] ['max_brightness' : int] } A dictionary defining small particles criteria. 'max_size' is mandatory. blur_kernel_size : int Stencil width for pre-processing blur. Must be an odd number. I_sat : int Saturation intensity for object pixels detection process. opening_ksize : int Stencil width for opening operation used to remove tiny regions from object pixels. Set to -1 to skip opening. Returns ------- big_particles_img : np.ndarray Extracted image of the phase with bigger particles (dispersed phase) small_particles_img : np.ndarray Extracted image of the phase with smaller particles (carrier phase) """ # Calculate object pixels using 2nd derivative criteria object_pixels = khalitov_longmire_get_object_pixels( original_image, blur_kernel_size, I_sat, opening_ksize ) # Find connected components & corresponding data ( N, labels_image, regions_size_array, regions_brightness_array, ) = khalitov_longmire_analyse_particle_segments(original_image, object_pixels) # Apply criteria to regions ## Big particles is_region_a_big_particle = regions_size_array > big_particles_criteria["min_size"] if "max_size" in big_particles_criteria: is_region_a_big_particle &= ( regions_size_array < big_particles_criteria["max_size"] ) if "min_brightness" in big_particles_criteria: is_region_a_big_particle &= ( regions_brightness_array > big_particles_criteria["min_brightness"] ) if "max_brightness" in big_particles_criteria: is_region_a_big_particle &= ( regions_brightness_array < big_particles_criteria["max_brightness"] ) ## Small particles is_region_a_small_particle = ( regions_size_array < small_particles_criteria["max_size"] ) if "min_size" in small_particles_criteria: is_region_a_small_particle &= ( regions_size_array > small_particles_criteria["min_size"] ) if "min_brightness" in small_particles_criteria: is_region_a_small_particle &= ( regions_brightness_array > small_particles_criteria["min_brightness"] ) if "max_brightness" in small_particles_criteria: is_region_a_small_particle &= ( regions_brightness_array < small_particles_criteria["max_brightness"] ) # Generate big particles mask big_particles_mask = np.zeros(original_image.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(0, N): if is_region_a_big_particle[i]: big_particles_mask[labels_image == i] = 1 # Generate unidentifed particles mask (for efficiency reasons) unindentified_particles_mask = np.zeros(original_image.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(0, N): if (not is_region_a_big_particle[i]) and (not is_region_a_small_particle[i]): unindentified_particles_mask[labels_image == i] = 1 # Generate small particles mask small_particles_mask = ( object_pixels - big_particles_mask - unindentified_particles_mask ) # Generate final grayscale images big_particles_img = big_particles_mask * original_image small_particles_img = small_particles_mask * original_image return big_particles_img, small_particles_img
[docs]def get_particles_size_array( original_image, blur_kernel_size=1, I_sat=230, opening_ksize=3 ): """Returns the array of particle image areas in pixels. Used as a quick means to set size limits in Kalitov-Longmire method. Usage Example: plt.hist( get_particles_size_array(image) ) plt.title('Particle size distribution') Parameters ---------- original_image : np.ndarray Original two-phase input image blur_kernel_size : int Stencil width for pre-processing blur. Must be an odd number. I_sat : int Saturation intensity for object pixels detection process. opening_ksize : int Stencil width for opening operation used to remove tiny regions from object pixels. Set to -1 to skip opening. Returns ------- size_array : np.array Array of length N, containing areas of particle regions number 0 to N in pixels. """ # Calculate object pixels using 2nd derivative criteria object_pixels = khalitov_longmire_get_object_pixels( original_image, blur_kernel_size, I_sat, opening_ksize ) # Find connected components & corresponding data _, _, size_array, _ = khalitov_longmire_analyse_particle_segments( original_image, object_pixels ) return size_array
[docs]def get_size_brightness_map( original_image, blur_kernel_size=1, I_sat=230, opening_ksize=3, MAX_PARTICLE_SIZE=400, ): """Returns the size-brightness map. Used as an advanced means to set size and brightness limits in Kalitov-Longmire method. Usage Example: plt.imshow(im, origin='lower') plt.xlabel('Brightness') plt.ylabel('Size (px)') plt.title('Signal density') Parameters ---------- original_image : np.ndarray Original two-phase input image blur_kernel_size : int Stencil width for pre-processing blur. Must be an odd number. I_sat : int Saturation intensity for object pixels detection process. opening_ksize : int Stencil width for opening operation used to remove tiny regions from object pixels. Set to -1 to skip opening. MAX_PARTICLE_SIZE : int Particle area upper limit (Y-axis max in the map) in pixels. Returns ------- density_map : np.ndarray Density map (D) where D[i,j] is log10(size*brightness*number) at size=i & brightness=j. See Kalitov & Longmire, 2002 for more information. """ # n[i,j] = Number of particles with size of i and rounded brightness of j n = np.zeros((MAX_PARTICLE_SIZE + 1, 256), dtype=np.uint8) # Get Object Pixels object_pixels = khalitov_longmire_get_object_pixels( original_image, blur_kernel_size, I_sat, opening_ksize ) # Find connected components & corresponding data N, _, size_array, brightness_array = khalitov_longmire_analyse_particle_segments( original_image, object_pixels ) # Round brightness rounded_brightness = np.uint8(np.round(brightness_array)) # Count size-brightness for i in range(0, N): if size_array[i] >= MAX_PARTICLE_SIZE: continue n[size_array[i], rounded_brightness[i]] += 1 # Calculate total signal density map: SIZE, BRIGHTNESS = np.meshgrid(range(0, 256), range(0, MAX_PARTICLE_SIZE + 1)) with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): density_map = np.log10(SIZE * BRIGHTNESS * n) density_map[np.isneginf(density_map)] = 0 return density_map
[docs]def khalitov_longmire_analyse_particle_segments(original_image, object_pixels): """Private function""" # Find connected components label_image, N = label(object_pixels, connectivity=1, return_num=True) # Integrate 1 over regions size_array = scipy.ndimage.sum(1, label_image, index=range(0, N + 1)) size_array = np.uint16(size_array) # Integrate intensity over regions total_light_array = scipy.ndimage.sum( original_image, label_image, index=range(0, N + 1) ) total_light_array = np.float64(total_light_array) brightness_array = total_light_array / size_array # Drop background region (index 0) return N, label_image - 1, size_array[1:], brightness_array[1:]
[docs]def khalitov_longmire_get_object_pixels( original_image, blur_kernel_size=1, I_sat=230, opening_ksize=3 ): """Private function""" if blur_kernel_size % 2 != 1: raise Exception("Blur kernel size must be an odd number.") if (opening_ksize > 1) and (opening_ksize % 2 != 1): raise Exception("Opening kernel size must be an odd number.") # Pre-processing box blur if blur_kernel_size > 0: original_image = scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter(original_image, blur_kernel_size) # Transform to log space I = np.float32(original_image) with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): Ln_I = np.log(I) Ln_I[np.isneginf(Ln_I)] = 0 # Calculate second directional derivatives X_deriv2 = scipy.ndimage.convolve( Ln_I, np.asarray([[0, 0, 0], [1, -2, 1], [0, 0, 0]]) ) Y_deriv2 = scipy.ndimage.convolve( Ln_I, np.asarray([[0, 1, 0], [0, -2, 0], [0, 1, 0]]) ) D45_deriv2 = scipy.ndimage.convolve( Ln_I, np.asarray([[0, 0, 1], [0, -2, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) ) # 0.707 coeff is ignored as we're only interested in sign of the result. D135_deriv2 = scipy.ndimage.convolve( Ln_I, np.asarray([[1, 0, 0], [0, -2, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) ) # 0.707 coeff is ignored as we're only interested in sign of the result. # Apply conditions for object pixels object_pixels = ( (X_deriv2 < 0) & (Y_deriv2 < 0) & (D45_deriv2 < 0) & (D135_deriv2 < 0) ) | (I > I_sat) object_pixels_uint8 = np.uint8(object_pixels) # Apply opening filter to remove noisy dots if opening_ksize > 1: kernel = disk((opening_ksize - 1) / 2) object_pixels_uint8 = opening(object_pixels_uint8, kernel) return object_pixels_uint8