Source code for

"""The module is a collection of utilities and tools.

__licence__ = """
Copyright (C) 2011

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import sys
import pathlib
import multiprocessing
from typing import Any, Union, List, Optional
# import re

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as pt
from natsort import natsorted

# from builtins import range
from imageio.v3 import imread as _imread, imwrite as _imsave
from skimage.feature import canny

[docs]def natural_sort(file_list: List[pathlib.Path])-> List[pathlib.Path]: """ Creates naturally sorted list """ # convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower() # alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)] # return sorted(file_list, key=alphanum_key) return natsorted(file_list, key=str)
[docs]def sorted_unique(array: np.ndarray)->np.ndarray: """Creates sorted unique array """ uniq, index = np.unique(array, return_index=True) return uniq[index.argsort()]
[docs]def display_vector_field( filename: Union[pathlib.Path, str], on_img: Optional[bool]=False, image_name: Optional[Union[pathlib.Path,str]]=None, window_size: Optional[int]=32, scaling_factor: Optional[float]=1., ax: Optional[Any]=None, width: Optional[float]=0.0025, show_invalid: Optional[bool]=True, **kw ): """ Displays quiver plot of the data stored in the file Parameters ---------- filename : string the absolute path of the text file on_img : Bool, optional if True, display the vector field on top of the image provided by image_name image_name : string, optional path to the image to plot the vector field onto when on_img is True window_size : int, optional when on_img is True, provide the interrogation window size to fit the background image to the vector field scaling_factor : float, optional when on_img is True, provide the scaling factor to scale the background image to the vector field show_invalid: bool, show or not the invalid vectors, default is True Key arguments : (additional parameters, optional) *scale*: [None | float] *width*: [None | float] See also: --------- matplotlib.pyplot.quiver Examples -------- --- only vector field >>>'./exp1_0000.txt',scale=100, width=0.0025) --- vector field on top of image >>>'./exp1_0000.txt'), on_img=True, image_name=Path('exp1_001_a.bmp'), window_size=32, scaling_factor=70, scale=100, width=0.0025) """ # print(f' Loading {filename} which exists {filename.exists()}') a = np.loadtxt(filename) # parse x, y, u, v, flags, mask = a[:, 0], a[:, 1], a[:, 2], a[:, 3], a[:, 4], a[:, 5] if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = ax.get_figure() if on_img is True: # plot a background image im = imread(image_name) im = negative(im) # plot negative of the image for more clarity xmax = np.amax(x) + window_size / (2 * scaling_factor) ymax = np.amax(y) + window_size / (2 * scaling_factor) ax.imshow(im, cmap="Greys_r", extent=[0.0, xmax, 0.0, ymax]) # first mask whatever has to be masked u[mask.astype(bool)] = 0. v[mask.astype(bool)] = 0. # now mark the valid/invalid vectors invalid = flags > 0 # mask.astype("bool") valid = ~invalid # visual conversion for the data on image # to be consistent with the image coordinate system # if on_img: # y = y.max() - y # v *= -1 ax.quiver( x[valid], y[valid], u[valid], v[valid], color="b", width=width, **kw ) if show_invalid and len(invalid) > 0: ax.quiver( x[invalid], y[invalid], u[invalid], v[invalid], color="r", width=width, **kw, ) # if on_img is False: # ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_aspect(1.) # fig.canvas.set_window_title('Vector field, '+str(np.count_nonzero(invalid))+' wrong vectors') return fig, ax
[docs]def imread(filename, flatten=0): """Read an image file into a numpy array using imageio imread Parameters ---------- filename : string the absolute path of the image file flatten : bool True if the image is RGB color or False (default) if greyscale Returns ------- frame : np.ndarray a numpy array with grey levels Examples -------- >>> image = 'image.bmp' ) >>> print image.shape (1280, 1024) """ im = _imread(filename) if np.ndim(im) > 2: im = rgb2gray(im) return im
[docs]def rgb2gray(rgb: np.ndarray)->np.ndarray: """converts rgb image to gray Args: rgb (_type_): numpy.ndarray, image size, three channels Returns: gray: numpy.ndarray of the same shape, one channel """ return[..., :3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.144])
[docs]def imsave(filename, arr): """Write an image file from a numpy array using imageio imread Parameters ---------- filename : string the absolute path of the image file that will be created arr : 2d np.ndarray a 2d numpy array with grey levels Example -------- >>> image = 'image.bmp' ) >>> image2 = >>> imsave( 'negative-image.tif', image2) """ if np.ndim(arr) > 2: arr = rgb2gray(arr) if np.amin(arr) < 0: arr -= arr.min() if np.amax(arr) > 255: arr /= arr.max() arr *= 255 if filename.endswith("tif"): _imsave(filename, arr, format="TIFF") else: _imsave(filename, arr)
[docs]def convert_16bits_tif(filename, save_name): """convert 16 bits TIFF to an openpiv readable image Args: filename (_type_): filename of a 16 bit TIFF save_name (_type_): new image filename """ img = imread(filename) img2 = np.zeros([img.shape[0], img.shape[1]], dtype=np.int32) for I in range(img.shape[0]): for J in range(img.shape[1]): img2[I, J] = img[I, J, 0] imsave(save_name, img2)
[docs]def mark_background( threshold: float, list_img: list, filename: str )->np.ndarray: """marks background Args: threshold (float): threshold list_img (list of images): _description_ filename (str): image filename to save the mask Returns: _type_: _description_ """ list_frame = [] for I in range(len(list_img)): list_frame.append(imread(list_img[I])) mark = np.zeros(list_frame[0].shape, dtype=np.int32) background = np.zeros(list_frame[0].shape, dtype=np.int32) for I in range(mark.shape[0]): print((" row ", I, " / ", mark.shape[0])) for J in range(mark.shape[1]): sum1 = 0 for K in range(len(list_frame)): sum1 = sum1 + list_frame[K][I, J] if sum1 < threshold * len(list_img): mark[I, J] = 0 else: mark[I, J] = 1 background[I, J] = mark[I, J] * 255 imsave(filename, background) print("done with background") return background
[docs]def mark_background2(list_img, filename): list_frame = [] for I in range(len(list_img)): list_frame.append(imread(list_img[I])) background = np.zeros(list_frame[0].shape, dtype=np.int32) for I in range(background.shape[0]): print((" row ", I, " / ", background.shape[0])) for J in range(background.shape[1]): min_1 = 255 for K in range(len(list_frame)): if min_1 > list_frame[K][I, J]: min_1 = list_frame[K][I, J] background[I, J] = min_1 imsave(filename, background) print("done with background") return background
[docs]def edges(list_img, filename): back = mark_background(30, list_img, filename) edges = canny(back, sigma=3) imsave(filename, edges)
[docs]def find_reflexions(list_img, filename): background = mark_background2(list_img, filename) reflexion = np.zeros(background.shape, dtype=np.int32) for I in range(background.shape[0]): print((" row ", I, " / ", background.shape[0])) for J in range(background.shape[1]): if background[I, J] > 253: reflexion[I, J] = 255 imsave(filename, reflexion) print("done with reflexions") return reflexion
[docs]def find_boundaries(threshold, list_img1, list_img2, filename, picname): f = open(filename, "w") print("mark1..") mark1 = mark_background(threshold, list_img1, "mark1.bmp") print("[DONE]") print((mark1.shape)) print("mark2..") mark2 = mark_background(threshold, list_img2, "mark2.bmp") print("[DONE]") print("computing boundary") print((mark2.shape)) list_bound = np.zeros(mark1.shape, dtype=np.int32) for I in range(list_bound.shape[0]): print(("bound row ", I, " / ", mark1.shape[0])) for J in range(list_bound.shape[1]): list_bound[I, J] = 0 if mark1[I, J] == 0: list_bound[I, J] = 125 if ( I > 1 and J > 1 and I < list_bound.shape[0] - 2 and J < list_bound.shape[1] - 2 ): for K in range(5): for L in range(5): if mark1[I - 2 + K, J - 2 + L] != mark2[I - 2 + K, J - 2 + L]: list_bound[I, J] = 255 else: list_bound[I, J] = 255 f.write(str(I) + "\t" + str(J) + "\t" + str(list_bound[I, J]) + "\n") print("[DONE]") f.close() imsave(picname, list_bound) return list_bound
[docs]def save( filename: Union[pathlib.Path,str], x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, flags: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, fmt: str="%.4e", delimiter: str="\t", )-> None: """Save flow field to an ascii file. Parameters ---------- filename : string the path of the file where to save the flow field x : 2d np.ndarray a two dimensional array containing the x coordinates of the interrogation window centers, in pixels. y : 2d np.ndarray a two dimensional array containing the y coordinates of the interrogation window centers, in pixels. u : 2d np.ndarray a two dimensional array containing the u velocity components, in pixels/seconds. v : 2d np.ndarray a two dimensional array containing the v velocity components, in pixels/seconds. flags : 2d np.ndarray a two dimensional integers array where elements corresponding to vectors: 0 - valid, 1 - invalid (, 2 - interpolated) default: None, will create all valid 0 mask: 2d np.ndarray boolean, marks the image masked regions (dynamic and/or static) default: None - will be all False fmt : string a format string. See documentation of numpy.savetxt for more details. delimiter : string character separating columns Examples --------'field_001.txt', x, y, u, v, flags, mask, fmt='%6.3f', delimiter='\t') """ if isinstance(u, u = u.filled(0.) v = v.filled(0.) if mask is None: mask = np.zeros_like(u, dtype=int) if flags is None: flags = np.zeros_like(u, dtype=int) # build output array out = np.vstack([m.flatten() for m in [x, y, u, v, flags, mask]]) # save data to file. np.savetxt( filename, out.T, fmt=fmt, delimiter=delimiter, header="x" + delimiter + "y" + delimiter + "u" + delimiter + "v" + delimiter + "flags" + delimiter + "mask", )
[docs]def display(message): """Display a message to standard output. Parameters ---------- message : string a message to be printed """ sys.stdout.write(message) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]class Multiprocesser:
[docs] def __init__(self, data_dir: pathlib.Path, pattern_a: str, pattern_b: Optional[str]=None, )->None: """A class to handle and process large sets of images. This class is responsible of loading image datasets and processing them. It has parallelization facilities to speed up the computation on multicore machines. It currently support only image pair obtained from conventional double pulse piv acquisition. Support for continuos time resolved piv acquistion is in the future. Parameters ---------- data_dir : str the path where image files are located pattern_a : str a shell glob pattern to match the first (A) frames. pattern_b : str a shell glob pattern to match the second (B) frames. Options: pattern_a = 'image_*_a.bmp' pattern_b = 'image_*_b.bmp' or pattern_a = '000*.tif' pattern_b = '(1+2),(2+3)' will create PIV of these pairs: 0001.tif+0002.tif, 0002.tif+0003.tif ... or pattern_a = '000*.tif' pattern_b = '(1+3),(2+4)' will create PIV of these pairs: 0001.tif+0003.tif, 0002.tif+0004.tif ... or pattern_a = '000*.tif' pattern_b = '(1+2),(3+4)' will create PIV of these pairs: 0001.tif+0002.tif, 0003.tif+0004.tif ... Examples -------- >>> multi = '/home/user/images', 'image_*_a.bmp', 'image_*_b.bmp') """ # load lists of images # print('Inside Multiprocesser') # print(f'data_dir = {data_dir}') # print(f'pattern_a = {pattern_a}') # print(f' dir exists: {data_dir.exists()}') self.files_a = natural_sort(list(data_dir.glob(pattern_a))) # print(f'List of files:') # print(f'{self.files_a}') if pattern_b == '(1+2),(2+3)': self.files_b = self.files_a[1:] self.files_a = self.files_a[:-1] elif pattern_b == '(1+3),(2+4)': self.files_b = self.files_a[2:] self.files_a = self.files_a[:-2] elif pattern_b == '(1+2),(3+4)': self.files_b = self.files_a[1::2] self.files_a = self.files_a[0::2] else: self.files_b = sorted(data_dir.glob(pattern_b)) # number of images self.n_files = len(self.files_a) # check if everything was fine if not len(self.files_a) == len(self.files_b): print(self.files_a) print(self.files_b) raise ValueError( 'Something failed loading the image file. There should be an equal number of "a" and "b" files.' ) if len(self.files_a) == 0: raise ValueError( "Something failed loading the image file. No images were found. Please check directory and image template name." )
[docs] def run(self, func, n_cpus=1): """Start to process images. Parameters ---------- func : python function which will be executed for each image pair. See tutorial for more details. n_cpus : int the number of processes to launch in parallel. For debugging purposes use n_cpus=1 """ # create a list of tasks to be executed. image_pairs = [ (file_a, file_b, i) for file_a, file_b, i in zip( self.files_a, self.files_b, range(self.n_files) ) ] # for debugging purposes always use n_cpus = 1, # since it is difficult to debug multiprocessing stuff. if n_cpus > 1: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=n_cpus) res =, image_pairs) else: for image_pair in image_pairs: func(image_pair)
[docs]def negative(image): """ Return the negative of an image Parameter ---------- image : 2d np.ndarray of grey levels Returns ------- (255-image) : 2d np.ndarray of grey levels """ return 255 - image
[docs]def display_windows_sampling(x, y, window_size, skip=0, method="standard"): """ Displays a map of the interrogation points and windows Parameters ---------- x : 2d np.ndarray a two dimensional array containing the x coordinates of the interrogation window centers, in pixels. y : 2d np.ndarray a two dimensional array containing the y coordinates of the interrogation window centers, in pixels. window_size : the interrogation window size, in pixels skip : the number of windows to skip on a row during display. Recommended value is 0 or 1 for standard method, can be more for random method -1 to not show any window method : can be only <standard> (uniform sampling and constant window size) <random> (pick randomly some windows) Examples -------- >>>, y, window_size=32, skip=0, method='standard') """ fig = plt.figure() if skip < 0 or skip + 1 > len(x[0]) * len(y): fig.canvas.set_window_title("interrogation points map") plt.scatter(x, y, color="g") # plot interrogation locations else: nb_windows = len(x[0]) * len(y) / (skip + 1) # standard method --> display uniformly picked windows if method == "standard": plt.scatter(x, y, color="g") # plot interrogation locations (green dots) fig.canvas.set_window_title("interrogation window map") # plot the windows as red squares for i in range(len(x[0])): for j in range(len(y)): if j % 2 == 0: if i % (skip + 1) == 0: x1 = x[0][i] - window_size / 2 y1 = y[j][0] - window_size / 2 plt.gca().add_patch( pt.Rectangle( (x1, y1), window_size, window_size, facecolor="r", alpha=0.5, ) ) else: if i % (skip + 1) == 1 or skip == 0: x1 = x[0][i] - window_size / 2 y1 = y[j][0] - window_size / 2 plt.gca().add_patch( pt.Rectangle( (x1, y1), window_size, window_size, facecolor="r", alpha=0.5, ) ) # random method --> display randomly picked windows elif method == "random": plt.scatter(x, y, color="g") # plot interrogation locations fig.canvas.set_window_title( "interrogation window map, showing randomly " + str(nb_windows) + " windows" ) for i in range(nb_windows): k = np.random.randint(len(x[0])) # pick a row and column index l = np.random.randint(len(y)) x1 = x[0][k] - window_size / 2 y1 = y[l][0] - window_size / 2 plt.gca().add_patch( pt.Rectangle( (x1, y1), window_size, window_size, facecolor="r", alpha=0.5 ) ) else: raise ValueError("method not valid: choose between standard and random") plt.draw()
[docs]def transform_coordinates(x, y, u, v): """ Converts coordinate systems from/to the image based / physical based Input/Output: x,y,u,v image based is 0,0 top left, x = columns to the right, y = rows downwards and so u,v physical or right hand one is that leads to the positive vorticity with the 0,0 origin at bottom left to be counterclockwise """ y = y[::-1, :] v *= -1 return x, y, u, v