Source code for openpiv.lib

import numpy as np

[docs]def replace_nans(array, max_iter, tol, kernel_size=2, method="disk"): """Replace NaN elements in an array using an iterative image inpainting algorithm. The algorithm is the following: 1) For each element in the input array, replace it by a weighted average of the neighbouring elements which are not NaN themselves. The weights depend on the method type. See Methods below. 2) Several iterations are needed if there are adjacent NaN elements. If this is the case, information is "spread" from the edges of the missing regions iteratively, until the variation is below a certain threshold. Methods: localmean - A square kernel where all elements have the same value, weights are equal to n/( (2*kernel_size+1)**2 -1 ), where n is the number of non-NaN elements. disk - A circular kernel where all elements have the same value, kernel is calculated by:: if ((S-i)**2 + (S-j)**2)**0.5 <= S: kernel[i,j] = 1.0 else: kernel[i,j] = 0.0 where S is the kernel radius. distance - A circular inverse distance kernel where elements are weighted proportional to their distance away from the center of the kernel, elements farther away have less weight. Elements outside the specified radius are set to 0.0 as in 'disk', the remaining of the weights are calculated as:: maxDist = ((S)**2 + (S)**2)**0.5 kernel[i,j] = -1*(((S-i)**2 + (S-j)**2)**0.5 - maxDist) where S is the kernel radius. Parameters ---------- array : 2d or 3d np.ndarray an array containing NaN elements that have to be replaced if array is a masked array (, then the mask is reapplied after the replacement max_iter : int the number of iterations tol : float On each iteration check if the mean square difference between values of replaced elements is below a certain tolerance `tol` kernel_size : int the size of the kernel, default is 1 method : str the method used to replace invalid values. Valid options are `localmean`, `disk`, and `distance`. Returns ------- filled : 2d or 3d np.ndarray a copy of the input array, where NaN elements have been replaced. """ kernel_size = int(kernel_size) filled = array.copy() n_dim = len(array.shape) # generating the kernel kernel = np.zeros([2 * kernel_size + 1] * len(array.shape), dtype=int) if method == "localmean": kernel += 1 elif method == "disk": dist, dist_inv = get_dist(kernel, kernel_size) kernel[dist <= kernel_size] = 1 elif method == "distance": dist, dist_inv = get_dist(kernel, kernel_size) kernel[dist <= kernel_size] = dist_inv[dist <= kernel_size] else: raise ValueError( "Known methods are: `localmean`, `disk` or `distance`." ) # list of kernel array indices # kernel_indices = np.indices(kernel.shape) # kernel_indices = np.reshape(kernel_indices, # (n_dim, (2 * kernel_size + 1) ** n_dim), # order="C").T # indices where array is NaN nan_indices = np.array(np.nonzero(np.isnan(array))).T.astype(int) # number of NaN elements n_nans = len(nan_indices) # arrays which contain replaced values to check for convergence replaced_new = np.zeros(n_nans) replaced_old = np.zeros(n_nans) # make several passes # until we reach convergence for _ in range(max_iter): # note: identifying new nan indices and looping other the new indices # would give slightly different result # for each NaN element for k in range(n_nans): ind = nan_indices[ k ] # 2 or 3 indices indicating the position of a nan element # init to 0.0 replaced_new[k] = 0.0 # generating a list of indices of the convolution window in the # array slice_indices = np.array(np.meshgrid(*[range(i - kernel_size, i + kernel_size + 1) for i in ind])) # identifying all indices strictly inside the image edges: in_mask = np.array( [ np.logical_and( slice_indices[i] < array.shape[i], slice_indices[i] >= 0 ) for i in range(n_dim) ] ) # logical and over x,y (and z) indices in_mask =, axis=0).astype(bool) # extract window from array win = filled[tuple(slice_indices[:, in_mask])] # selecting the same points from the kernel kernel_in = kernel[in_mask] # sum of elements of the kernel that are not nan in the window non_nan = np.sum(kernel_in[~np.isnan(win)]) if non_nan > 0: # convolution with the kernel replaced_new[k] = np.nansum(win * kernel_in) / non_nan else: # don't do anything if there is only nans around replaced_new[k] = np.nan # bulk replace all new values in array filled[tuple(nan_indices.T)] = replaced_new # check if replaced elements are below a certain tolerance if np.mean((replaced_new - replaced_old) ** 2) < tol: break else: replaced_old = replaced_new return filled
[docs]def get_dist(kernel, kernel_size): # generates a map of distances to the center of the kernel. This is later # used to generate disk-shaped kernels and # to fill in distance based weights if len(kernel.shape) == 2: # x and y coordinates for each points xs, ys = np.indices(kernel.shape) # maximal distance form center - distance to center (of each point) dist = np.sqrt((ys - kernel_size) ** 2 + (xs - kernel_size) ** 2) dist_inv = np.sqrt(2) * kernel_size - dist if len(kernel.shape) == 3: xs, ys, zs = np.indices(kernel.shape) dist = np.sqrt( (ys - kernel_size) ** 2 + (xs - kernel_size) ** 2 + (zs - kernel_size) ** 2 ) dist_inv = np.sqrt(3) * kernel_size - dist return dist, dist_inv